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Syababut Taqwa~

Motto :
Demi Masa

Mission :
~coming soon!

Vision :
Becoming A Dynamically
Knowledgeable Individual

*This blog is best viewed in

Hadith 4 The Week.


Daripada Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, "Barangsiapa memutuskan harapan orang yang berharap kepadanya, Allah S.W.T akan memutuskan harapannya pada Hari Kiamat, maka hidupnya tidak diberkati."

Berilah harapan untuk mereka yang memerlukan. =)

Youth Committee.

Abdillah Md Basalamah

Vice Chairman
Muhammad Ridhwan Budiman

Norhazimah Naharudin

Nur Adilla Nazli

Dakwah Unit
Ahmad Aidi Saini (IC)
Abdillah Md Basalamah
Md Famie Irzan Azman
Muhd Fareez Khan Md Hasrat
Muhd Fariid Hasan Ismail

Ladies Unit
Nur Iliyana Abd Wahid (IC)
Nur Shaheedah Md Fadzillah
Sharifah Nur Amalina S M K
Siti Hajar Junaidi

Events Management Unit
Muhd Hisyam Osman (IC)
Syed Aliff Abdullah S M K
Akmal Sufi Sahran
Muhd Fahmy Roslee
Muhammad Alif Abd Rashid
Norhazimah Naharudin

Media & Comm. Unit
Md Al-Hafiz Abd Haris (IC)
Md Muslihin Md Rasid
Muhammad Ridhwan Budiman
Muhd Khair Muhd Riduan
Nur Azilla Nazli

Logistics Unit
Shaikh Abdul Hakam S A Jalil (IC)
Muhammad Haikal Ali Izhar
Adi Saiful Bakhtiar Effendi
Muhammad Syafiq Rahim

Welfare Unit
Taufiq Ishak (Muslimin)
Izzalina Mohammad Ali (Muslimah)
Muhd Iqbaal Abd Razak
Farahyn Banu Md Hasrat

Advisors & Coordinators

Youth Advisor
Nor Sharina Abd Majid (Discipline)
Muhd Hidayat Osman (Sports & Recreational)

Youth Coordinator
Ust Md Nur Firdauz Abd Latiff
Ust Ismail Ahmad

*Updated Committee on 25th November 2009.


PHOTOS : Taqwa Photobucket
DONE BY : you don't need to know. ;D

Saturday, October 09, 2010
we have moved!

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

we have moved our activities & events updates at


(click on the link)

so do add us for all the latest updates and upcomings!

wasalam. =)
4:17 PM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Aidil Adha. and updates.

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. semua!
harap kalian semua sihat alhamdulillah..

sorry for the late updates, everybody's been busy with schools and events that happpened for the last two months. heh.

on behalf of the mosque, we would like to thank everyone who helped out or even, attending the events like the aL.I.V.E fiesta, raya gathering and more..

the hadith of the week and the youth commitee section had already been updated so do check it out.

there's now an offical Facebook group page for our youth club!!
hahaha so if you have a facebook account do add us by clicking this link:


so 1 more day before Aidiladha..
here are some of the interesting facts that's worth sharing..

Apart from
Aidilfitri, the festival most grandly celebrated by Muslims the world over is Aidiladha. In Singapore, it is more commonly known as Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji.
Celebrated about two months after Aidilfitri, on the 10th day of Zulhijah, the 12th month of the Muslim calendar, it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage period (about two weeks); hence the name Hari Raya Haji.

Every year millions of Muslims make the journey to the Holy Land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the haj, a requirement in Islam as it makes up one of the five tenets of the religion. As long as they have the means to do so, and are able health-wise, Muslims must perform the haj at least once in life. Upon completion of the haj, the men earn the title of "haji" and the women, "hajjah".
Aidiladha also commemorates the sacrifices made by the prophet Abraham (hence the word "korban" which means sacrifice), who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by God. The prophet was commanded to offer his only son Ishmael up for sacrifice, and though it grieved him greatly, he made ready to perform the task. However, as he was about to strike his son, God stopped him and revealed that it was a trial. Ishmael's life was spared, and a ram sacrificed in his place.

As such, during Aidiladha, the sacrifice of animals such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed. The animals are slain in accordance with the proper religious rites; the meat is then distributed.

The observance of the korban is carried out after the congregational prayers, held early in the morning of Aidiladha. It is not unusual for the slaying to take place within the mosque compound.
It is a day when Muslims reaffirm their faith in God, giving thanks for the many blessings that He has bequeathed to them.

that's much about everything.

For the Muslimins, whoever wants to help with the korban, do come to the Al-taqua Mosque @ 11am, 27th November, Friday.

that's all for now..
will bring you updates soon insyaallah..

haha sekian, wasalam!

Labels: ,

11:15 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009
Syawal and on the 27th sept 2009.

Salams kepada semua!!

harap semua sihat alhamdulillah..

just to let you guys know that on the 27th of September, there will be a perjumpaan hari raya at the Al-Taqua Mosque @ 9am.

so if possible, do bring some kuihs-muihs fors us tos tastes-tastes oks?

And do put on your best awesome mind-blasting, out-of-this-world intergallatic beyond supernatural uber cool hari raya costume so that we can take a group photo of the whole remaja class; and let that be one of the pictures that will remain in our hearts for eternity.

it will be better this time insyaallah.

macam biasa, food and drinks will be provided. =)
green packets also!!
but only the green packet itself ah. if you want red packets also can.

So pleeeeeeeeeease do come do come do come do come!!

and lastly,
We, the youth committee members, advisors and coordinators of the syababut taqwa club would like to would like to wish you a,

Maaf Zahir Dan Batin!

duit raya laaaaaii!

hahah, jkjk.
i'll just leave you with this.

after the glorious month of ramadhan
where we embrace the grace in our hearts,
comes a month of celebration
where we seek forgiveness and ketupats.

a month where we all gather.
a month of family colours.
a month where we remember,
the faces of our elders.

a month where forgiveness were forgiven.
a month where unions were reunion-ed.
a month where occasion meets elation,
creates a reason of celebration.

May this auspicious occasion
bless you with peace and rahmah
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
tangan kami hulurkan, maaf dipinta.

copyright of syababut taqwa youth club muahahhaha.

selamat lebaran.
your friendly kawan,
dot number one.



12:55 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ramadan Youth Camp 09 @ Al-Ansar.

Salam Ramadan kepada teman-teman yang dihormati dan dikasihi,

Semoga kita semua dalam keadaan sihat dan dirahmati Allah swt.

Ana ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman-teman yang telah memberikan sokongan padu pada program Ramadan Street Dakwah tempoh hari. Berkat usaha sama kita, program itu terlaksana dengan jayanya.

Alhamdulillah seperti mana yang anda ketahui, pada bulan Ramadan ini, Unit Belia di masjid-masjid SEMC akan mengadakan kem Ramadan khas untuk remaja.yang akan berlangsung pada 4-6 August di masjid Al-Ansar dan MKS. Sehubungan dengan ini, ana mewakili dari komiti Kem ingin menjemput kerjasama dan sokongan sekali lagi untuk kita sama-sama mempromosikan kem ini kepada jemaah masjid masing-masing dan juga menghantarkan sekurang-kurangye 5 belia muda anda untuk sertakan ke program ini sebagai program pembangunan syaksiah mereka.

Butiran lanjut boleh didapati di dalam poster. Untuk keterangan dan pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi ana di talian 96707602, Ustaz Fairuz.

Semoga usaha-ussha murni kita ini mendapat keberkatan dan redha Allah swt, Amiin.

You can also call Ust Firdauz regarding this camp. =)

wasalams to all and selamat berbuka in an hour's time!

Labels: ,

5:56 PM
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ramadhan Youth-in-Charge.

Salams to everyone!

As you all know there will be no kelas Remaja this week (29th & 30th of August).
Instead, there will be a Youth-in-Charge event for all Remaja on Saturday.

here's the itnerary for the Youth-in-Charge Event:-

2.50 pm - Registration
3.00 pm - Packing of Bubur
4.20 pm - Solat Asar
5.00 pm - Giving out Bubur
6.00 pm - Preparation of Iftar
7.11 pm - Break fast
7.30 pm - Solat Maghrib
7.45 pm - Rest
8.20 pm - Solat Isyak
10.00 pm - Rest
10.30 pm - Tadarus Al-Quran
11.30 pm - Lights Off
4.00 am - Qiamullail
5.15 am - Sahur
5.44 am - Solat Subuh
6.10 am - Kuliah Subuh
(Ust Firdaus Yahya)
7.00 am - Dismissal

Bro Hidayat and Bro Taufik will be the overall in charge for this event.

Things to take note of:

Bring extra clothing. (if overnight)
Toiletries. (if overnight)
Bring your friends along (Dakwah).
Sahur will be provided.
Bring your family for Iftar and Terawih.

So do come for the event ya? We need as many youth helpers to participate in this once-a-year event. hahahha..

The Committee and Welfare members would also like to take this opportunity to thank all that helped during the Street Ramadhan and the visit to the Chee Hoon Kog Moral Home for the Aged Sick. Your helping hands had made a good impact and impressions to our Syababut Taqwa youths. we would like to thank you again for your help. =)

That's all for the updates for this week.
Selamat beribadah dalam bulan yang mulia ini!



5:13 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ramadhan 1430H/2009!

Asalamualaikum to all!

And so the Youth Committee and Welfare members ingin mengucapkan..

AL-MUBARAK 1430H/2009!!

Bulan yang penuh dengan Keampunan serta Kebekatan.

And here's a little bit of online learning, FAQ on Ramadhan and Aidilfitri, compiled by the research and development section, MUIS.

Q: What is Ramadhan?

A: Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In this month, Muslims all over the world fast from dawn to sunset.

Q: When does Ramadhan begin?

A: Muslims follow the Islamic lunar calendar, which is about eleven days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. In Singapore, the date is determined by calculation of the movement of the moon.

Q: What does fasting during Ramadhan mean?

A: Physically, fasting means not eating any food, drinking any water or other beverages or engaging in marital sexual relations during the fasting period. Spiritually, fasting means developing patience, self-restraint and strengthening one’s faith in God. Muslims do their best to discipline themselves to follow God’s commands, for example by controlling anger or avoiding gossip.
Fasting tests a Muslim’s commitment to God in the face of temptation and difficulty. Muslims remember:
• They are dependent on God and should be grateful for His blessings
• Their kinship and responsibility towards millions of human beings in the world who are starving because they do not have enough food to eat due to injustice or poverty
• To be more charitable and kind

When fasting, Muslims discover a calm, inner peace that makes them feel closer to God.

Q: How did the fast during Ramadhan become obligatory for Muslims?

A: Fasting become obligatory through a command in the Holy Book which was revealed from God to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through out 23 years of his life in Makkah and Madinah beginning from 610 CE. As explained in the second chapter of the Qur’an:
“O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).” [Chapter 2 : verse 183].

Q: Do Muslims gain anything from fasting?

A: The main benefits of Ramadhan are increased humbleness and compassion for those in need of the basic necessities of life, a sense of self-purification and reflection, and a renewed spiritual focus. Muslims also appreciate the feeling of togetherness by family and friends throughout the month. Perhaps the greatest practical benefit is the yearly lesson in self-restraint and discipline that is carried forward to other aspects of a Muslim’s life.

Q: Do all Muslims fast in Ramadhan?

A: Fasting is compulsory for all Muslims who are mentally and physically fit, have reached the age of puberty, in a settled situation (not traveling), and are sure that fasting is unlikely to cause real physical or mental injury. However, those who are sick, elderly, traveling on a journey and women who are pregnant or nursing, are permitted to break their fast. They can make up for it later in the year before the next fasting month, or perform acts of charity as compensation depending on the above mentioned categories according to Islamic Law.

Q: Can children who have not reached the age of puberty fast voluntarily?

A: Muslim children who have not reach the age of puberty can fast with the permission and supervision of their parents. The parents will help them get used to the practice of fasting gradually so that when the children reach the age of puberty, they are mentally and physically prepared to fast in Ramadhan. If a child cannot or does not like continuing the fast, he / she will be allowed to break the fast before sunset.

Q: What does fasting entail?

A: During Ramadhan, Muslims will rise early in the morning (before dawn) to have a meal called sahoor. After the meal, Muslims will perform the dawn prayer and may read the Qur’an before they either return to sleep or preparing for the day ahead. During the day, Muslims do not take their lunch as usual. But their normal work activities continue during Ramadhan as fasting is not taken as an excuse for sluggishness and idleness. When sunset arrives, Muslims break their fast by partaking in the Iftar meal. In keeping with the tradition of Prophet Muhammad, Muslims break the fast with dates and other fruits and appetizers.
During this month, Muslims are also encouraged to perform the special Terawih prayer either individually or congregationally in the mosques.
Since Ramadhan is a month of heightened devotion, Muslims are encouraged to perform as many good deeds, acts of charity and prayers as possible as Allah had promised greater rewards for them during this special month.

Q: Are there any special events during Ramadhan?

A: The most important event is the celebration of Laylatul Qadr.
Laylatul Qadr, i.e “the Night of Power”, marks the anniversary of the night on which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the Qur’an from God, through the angel Gabriel. An entire chapter in the Qur’an deals with this night:
“Verily! We have sent it (this Qur’an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree). And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? …..”.
[Chapter 97].

Q: What is the significance of Aidil Fitri?

A: Aidil Fitri or Hari Raya Puasa falls on the first day of Syawal, the month following Ramadhan. It is the culmination of a month of discipline, self-sacrifice and self-control to purify the heart and soul: a month of total abstinence not only from food and drink but also from all habitual desires and indulgence, like smoking.
Aidil Fitri therefore signifies success and achievement and it is celebrated with dignity.

Q: How is Aidil Fitri celebrated?

A: The occasion is a time for thanksgiving and more charity. It is also a time for the cultivation of unity and fraternity among the members of the community and society. This happy occasion is therefore celebrated with a special congregation prayer in the morning at the mosques. In the context of Southeast Asia, this occasion is also followed by visiting relatives and friends and time for seeking forgiveness from one another especially from the elderly.

Hope this answers your questions and have a better understading of this glorious month.

Selamat berpuasa and wasalam.


2:44 PM
Friday, August 14, 2009
UPdates upDATES.

Salams to you!

here are the updates for this week.

A few youths will attend a khusus on "Bengkel Zakat untuk remaja 2009"di wORKSHOP itu mereka akan belajar maknanya zakat, bagaimana cara bayarannya, apa pula manfaatnya dan sebagainya.

there will be a Forum/Syarahan,
"Persiapan Ramadhan: Hukum, Fadhilat & Adabnya"
Bersama Ust Muhammad Mazdiuky, AB Shaik & Ust Hasan Saifouridzal
15 August 2009, SABTU.

Majlis akan bermula selepas maghrib di masjid Al-Taqua.So please do come k?

Next, we need volunteers for The Ramadan Street Dakwah, organised by the South East Mosque Cluster. Details on the right.

so do call Ust Firdauz (HP no. 81806535) if you're interested.
We would love to have as many volunteers as possible.
Light refreshments and dinner will be given. =D

Lastly, on the 16th of august, a few of the belias will visit the Moral Home for the Aged Sick.The purpose of this event is to entertain and interact with the elderly. there will be a music performance and silat showcase to show them our appreciation for their welcoming.

these are the few activities and events that we will be having so far.
so stay tuned for more updates to come!



9:03 AM
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Salams Kepada Semua!

So here are the updates.

- Esok malam (5August - 15 Syaaban) akan diadakan malam Nisfu Syaaban di masjid Al-Taqua.
Malam Nisfu Syaaban adalah malam lima-belas Syaaban iaitu siangnya empat-belas haribulan Syaaban. Malam Nisfu Syaaban merupakan malam yang penuh berkat dan rahmat selepas malam Lailatul qadr.

so if possible do come before maghrib k?
Mudah-mudahan mendapat keberkatan di malam tersebut.

-there will be no class on the 9th of August due to National Day. =D
-there will be a syarahan on the 15th of August. details will be updated soon.

So yup, that's all for now!
stay tuned. =)



11:52 AM
Monday, July 20, 2009
20th Julai / 27hb Rejab.

Salams to all!
hope everyone is sihat Alhamdulillah.
sorry for not updating. heh.

anyway, here's an article worth sharing in this particular day.

Isra and Miraj: The Miraculous Night Journey

The Israa and Miraj refer to, two parts of an miraculous journey that Prophet Muhammad took in one night from Makka to Jerusalem and then an ascension to the heavens.

Israa is an Arabic word referring to Prophet Muhammad's miraculous night journey from Makka to Jerusalem - specifically, to the site of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem - as referred to in Surah Al-Israa in the Quran.

It is believed to have been followed by the Mi'raj, his ascension to heaven. According to some of the Hadith scholars this journey is believed to have taken place just over a year before Prophet Muhammad migrated to from Makka to Madina, on the 27th of Rejab.

Muslims celebrate this night by offering optional prayers during this night, and in many Muslim countries, by illuminating cities with electric lights and candles.

for more information about the Miraculous Night Journey, click HERE. =)

sorry for not updating for some time...hahaha everyone's been busy lately.
but no worries yawww because,

this blog is back! Yay! blog hidup balik hooOOO!!

that means no matter what, there's will ALMOST be weekly updates. almost only ah. hahah cannot promise every week. maybe 1 or 2 days late ke.
And the hadith 4 the week section will always be updated weekly so do drop by every week k week week week?

the main Commitee would like to thank everyone for making the mini Bazaar/Interactive Forum Talk happen! Again maaf for this late 'thank you' via here because again, everyone's a little busy lately. hahah but it's better to be late than never right? so thank you thank you thank you, you, and you back there, and the one staring at this computer screen. thank you.

35 Youths will be needed for an outing on the 2nd of August, Sunday. Details will be updated via SMS. Transport will be provided. Anything else do not hesitate to msg Ust Firdauz.

heh, so i guess that's all for now, we'll try our best to keep our tracks on time so hope you'll understand. =)

till then, take care and selamat menyambut Isra' & Mi'raj!



10:02 PM
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Salams kepada semua!

The Young Muslims Singapore (YM.sg) with support of MUIS is organizing an annual sports event that shall provide as a rallying point of the Muslim youths to compete in a healthy manner and show their skills in the games of their choices.

This event is an initiative to outreach out-of-mosque youth and as sustenance program for existing mosque’s youth members. This year’s event aims at raising the awareness on stress and equipping the youths with stress management tools to function better in their everyday lives; thus the theme “No Stress No Mess”.

Venue: FICO Sports Hub@Jurong
Date: 27 June 09
1 team (Male 14-17y.o) 5 members + 2 reserve
1 team (Male 18-21y.o) 5 members + 2 reserve
1 team (Female 14-21y.o) 5 members + 2 reserve

Venue: Kallang Netball Court
Date: 21 June 09
1 team (Female) 7 members + 3 reserve

Sepak takraw
Venue: Cairnhill CC
Date: 4 July 09
1 team (Male 14-17y.o) 3 members +1 reserve
1 team (Male 18-21y.o) 3 members +1 reserve

Venue: Cairnhill CC
Date: 12 July 09
1 male\female (men’s\women’s single category)
2 males (men’s double category)
2 females ( women’s double category)

Venue: West Bowl(beside Clementi Stadium)
Date: 20 June 09
1 team (male) 5 members
1 team (female) 5 members

First Aid Course
Venue: Siglap CC
Date: 13 & 14 June 09
*max. 10 people needed for the course

Due date for registration: 4 June 2009.

All course and sports stated above are f.o.c and based on first come first serve.
Those who are interested pls email your details to bro Abdillah at basalamah_09@hotmail.com A.S.A.P yaaaa?



3:46 PM