Motto :
Demi Masa
Mission :
~coming soon!
Vision :
Becoming A Dynamically
Knowledgeable Individual
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Assalamualaikum teman teman sekalian.
Salam sejahtera! Apa khabar teman woi!! hahahaha okay here’s the deal, im going to reflect back on this week’s lesson.hahaha so here it goes.
This week’s lesson is super-duper-damn cool.
It was about the 7 things that human kept procrastinating to fulfil the rights in Islam.
1)Low financial status that makes human forgets the necessary responsibilities.
(hilang akidah mereka, selalu menyalahkan kemiskinan sebagai alasan untuk beribadah)
2)On the other hand, being rich sometimes tend to make human arrogant.
(kemegahan dan kesombongan tak akan bawa kemana.)
3)Failure in health that makes it difficult to ‘beribadah’
4)Aging that weakens a person’s ability to ‘beribadah’
(why wait until you grow white hair then want to bertaubat??)
5)Death that puts a FULL-STOP to almost everything
(kalau dah mati macam mana nak beribadah?too late bebeh)
6)Waiting for “DAJJAL”
(alasan yang tidak membawa manfaat apa pun)
7)Waiting for the day the world ends
(ooops.too late teman teman.hari kiamat datang,no turning back)
So why wait when you have the perfections and everything to be able to SUJUD to the almighty, to HIM who created us.
Besides that, Ustad also added some Sejarah Islam(prophets) about the ‘mukjizat-mukjizat’ that each prophet had to influence Islam teachings. The another special and magical thing that we have learned was that Nabi Muhammad s.a.w has yet to use his ‘syafaat’.
Syafaat = pertolongan yang besar
And as mention in the handout that we must always berzikir to Allah and berselawat to Nabi Muhammad s.a.w to get the syafaat.
Also, sabda rasulullah s.a.w yang megatakan bahawa : “Sesiapa yang susah menunaikan hajatnya, hendaklah ia banyakkan selawat atasku sebab ia akan melapangkan kebimbangan,kedukacitaan,kesusahan,menambahkan rezeki serta menunaikan hajat.”
[Hadis Riwayat Al Suyuti]
Continuing from last week’s ZIKIR MUNAJAT, this weeks zikir has a very deep ad heart-touching meanings beneath those Arabic words and also a lovely melodic tone. As the class sang and recite the zikir from the handout, including the last week and the week before, the feeling was good and almost everyone concentrate to get the feeling feeling as Ustad guide us with the zikir.
Berzikir lah selalu wahai teman teman. Seandainya ia adalah pengubat hati dari segala penyakit hati.
Look around you, everything may seem perfect and calmly normal but you might never know when it’s too late to realise that everything will be gone and before you knew it, it’s too late to make amendments to fulfil our responsibilities as Allah’s creations(Allah’s hamba).
So, buckle up teman teman,stand up,freshen up and start beribadah/bertaubat to the loving almighty =)
That’s all from me with the help of flash back from 260409 class.
Teman teman ffffffuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!!!!
Oh yah and a little twist to the you-turn-right-you-turn-left-all-you-see-are-walls class, we are having an outdoor ECP CLASS FFFFFUUUUUHHHHH!!!!!
Please show up cause I bet you don’t wanna miss all the fun
I will see you guys this coming Sunday alrighty so I, si manis adilla, hereby wish everybody a great week ahead and berzikir alright as berzikir = remedy and insyaAllah we will be closer to Allah.
Salams :0]
Labels: adilla
Salams Yawwww...
This week, we learn a lot of new things. Such as for girls, only face and hand are not aurat. The rest of our body must be covered, properly, and that includes YOUR FEET TOO!!! Many of us think our feet are a norm thing to be exposed but actually no okay. And also, we have to tutup our aurat appropriately.
As Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
Seseorang wanita yang berpakaian ketat-ketat diibarat seperti tidak memakai apa-apa.
As a reminder to all ladies reading this, NEXT LESSON DO WEAR BAJU KURUNG/JUBAH AND IF COULD AVOID WEARING JEANS. Okay? :]
p/s: Wearing leggings is actually not considered as tutup aurat:]
Then move on, Ustaz Firdauz came over to our class and told us the history of Nabi Ibrahim and how the small bird try to help Nabi Ibrahim when he’s going to be burn.
So, the moral of the story is. If you see something bad happening, at least do something.
Selemah-lemahnya iman,kita berdoa. If we can tegur or nasihat then please do. But nicely okay! Hhaha. It doesn’t matter if you’re small/big atleast do something so when akhirat Allah s.w.t ask we know that we actually did something rather then letting the bad thing happen.
I’m not going to type all the info on the notes given, so if you were absent last week (19 April) do ask for Ustaz for extra copy okay!
**Mini Info: Amin means Kabulkanlah.
Apabila manusia diberi cobaan, Allah s.w.t akan hanya uji kita pada tahap yang kita boleh handle. –last sentence of Al-Baqarah
So, if ever you feeling soooooo sad and depressed or whatever, always think you can actually overcome the feeling. Just that you’ve yet to find the solution. Patience and you can do it :]