Sunday, November 23, 2008
Asalamualaikum wr.wb.
Here's a reminder that there will be a class on the 30th of november.
the class starts as usual (9am) so don't be late! =D
the topic that we'll be discussing will be on Mukmin yang Bermanfaat (A Muslim That Will Benefit Others.)
ape maksudnya tu?
tak tahu kan?
hahaha, then dtg ahhhh...
And for the committie members, there will be a meeting on the 30th of november at 1 o'clock
So do come eh...
Walaikumsalam wr.wb.
Labels: . waN
4:16 PM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Upcoming events$BlogItemTitle$>
Assalmualaikum Kwn2 ku's
Here are some upcoming events that you guys and gals should know about,
On the 6th December 2008, Saturday, We have an outing. We are visiting to
Siglap community DAY 2008 @
Let's see donald & daffy & psyduck!!
And its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Transportation will be provided to and fro.
Unless you wanna walk back home, be my guest.
nyeheheeheheh =D
Food and drinks will be provided
but we can suggest to bring some food too yaa?
boleh share2 eh :-P
Pls, do come ehh
In need of 49 people to attend
so don't waste the opportunity to see birds
as you won't get to see them everyday.
except for the crows. and pigeons.
for those who are going,
Pls msg or sms Al-Hafiz at 98738231
On the 8th December 2008, Monday, Kite akan menyambut
Hari Adil Adha a.k.a Hari Raya Korban
So need assistance from ALL THE GUYS ONLY.
T-shirts will be provided, Food too yaaaawwww
Finally we be comfirming if we be having BBQ in the masjid
So to its still pending on a date
We will inform you guys when the date as soon as we know it
So do visit the blog ehhh
and tag the tag board that is meant to be tagged by tagging the tag board laaaaa
By popular demand!!!!
Here are the dates that we be having class,
9th November 2008, 30th November 2008 & 14th December 2008
Holidays are on ,
16, 23 November 2008, 7, 21, 28 December 2008
So enjoy your day off
Labels: Zero . waN
10:53 PM