Monday, September 29, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya! !$BlogItemTitle$>
" Eid Mubarak "
( International Meaning Of Hari Raya )
yes mukatak.
whatever the meaning is.
a combination of a face and a frog.
hah, time to make this blog ade "up" sikit.
a poetry? why not? WHY NOT?
ramadhan is ending soon,
syawal is bila kita nak ber-hooray.
it's like the butterfly that breaks out of the cacoon,
for that butterfly represents a special day.
a day where some people will cry,
a day where some will croon a lullaby.
a lullaby where peaceful thoughts comprise,
that brings out blissful tears in their eyes.
We pray to Allah to put right our hearts.
to forgive our sins and make a new start.
but a start of sins try not to create,
we welcome the acts of good deeds instead.
the point of ramadhan is to be a better person.
the patience and disciplines are all part of the lesson.
the lessons and experience we learnt from this ramadhan;
is to be strong and try not to restart your square one.
on behalf of the world to the muslimins and muslimahs,
maaf zahir batin and Selamat berHari Raya!
aaaah..still unsure of what to put for the last stanza..
so i'll just end this by typing hua'hulahulaheeyayaya~
Thoughts Of Zero
From the start of the month of Ramadhan
Till the end,
It was a great month
I felt so calm and great after going through the holy month
I never knew alot of things about Ramadhan before
But now, I know alot of things about it
The things i went through like helping at Taqua
To qiamullail and the tarawih prayers i did
I learnt alot of things
But all of these things i never went through it alone
I went through it with the friends i made at Taqua
And i'm glad i did
Well i hope to get to experince a better Ramadhan in the coming years
But for now..
NOTE: This coming sunday, 5th October
There will be no class. In the coming sunday, 12th October
There will be
On the behalf of the whole Youth Committee
I would like to wish all At Taqwaians
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Batin!
And for those doing their A's, N's, O's PQRSTUV.....K1 K2 PAP, PSLE & Pri 4 streaming
Just wanna wish you all the best
Hope you succeed and fulfilled your goal
Labels: Zero . waN
9:16 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ramadan Is Ending.$BlogItemTitle$>
Assalamualaikum to all,Tonight's the 26th ramadan, and we only left with 4 more days before
RAYA!i, i mean, before Ramadan leaves us.
So do take this last 4 days to do amal jariah and ibadah like reading Al-Quran and Qiamullail.
if better, intensive.
if not, ape yang mampu aje.
heh, but do try to do as much as possible.
because remember,
maybe (
choi2 touch wood) we may not be able to meet the next Ramadan next year..
So selamat berpuasa, bersahur and beribadah sepanjang Ramadan!
till then, Take care..
Ustaz Firdauz.
fyi, Qiamullail pics are up for view under the Pics & Links section. =)
Labels: Ridhwan, Ustaz Firdauz
8:01 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
we'll be updating soon on the recent events.
new pics already uploaded at the syababut taqwa photobucket!
stay tuned for the updates..
Labels: Zero . waN
10:17 PM